Sunday, June 7, 2009


I just saw "Up".
And I cried.
I would love to say that I bawled, for dramatic reasons, but a) that would be lying and b) that would make me sort of a dork.

I am a sucker for sweet children's films and "Up", in the vain of Robert Munch's (sp.?) "Love You Forever" and Pixar's "Finding Nemo", is one such film that just shatters your heart a little and fills you with joy and love and rainbows and puppies. Visually it is stunning and the orchestral score lifts you up along with that small old house being carried away by balloons, and you can't help but bounce a little in your seat as the adventure takes off.

I don't want to ruin the film, so I will give a very brief synopsis:

Old grumpy man wants to go on an adventure, a young over-enthusiastic boy gets carried away with him and then things get sad and angry and crazy and stressful but most importantly, things get happy.

But oh, it is so much more than that.

Personally, I responded to this because a small part of the storyline really hit close to home, and so I couldn't help but break out in a few tears of sadness...but overall, I think you will ALL enjoy this. And if you don't, you obviously have no heart.

So if you dream, if you like adventures, if you've still got that little kid inside of you who bounces with hope and joy and love, then go out now and get carried away with "Up!"

1 comment:

letsbevain said...

I thought it was great. The opening sequence telling the story of the relationship between the old man and his wife was super emotional.