Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bumper Stumpers!!!

A few weeks ago, I brought back Supermarket Sweep into your lives, here's another Canadian favourite, BUMPER STUMPERS!!!

Watch the above clips and laugh at the two gays going through the license plates and tell me that you don't make some of the same guesses that they did. 2RGID...yah, I had the exact same guesses as them.

I remember watching this show, whenever I was sick, as I think it came on around 9 or 9:30. Being sick was sooo awesome. Sure, it sucked that you were sick, but you got to miss school, watch game shows all morning, drink ginger ale and have toast with margarine on it. Mmmmm....good times.

I still play Bumper Stumpers to this day. I'm a master at figuring out ppl's vanity plates and take great pride (not the Stonewall kind) in being able to solve the puzzles. There's no cash prize at the end, but a hearty self-pat on my back is worth it every time.

If there's a bumper stumpers board game out there, please locate it, and challenge me. I will win, but you will at least have a good time watching me win!

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