Friday, October 2, 2009

Sometimes I play the fool

I returned from a week in BC on Wednesday and I've had less than 5 hours sleep for probably 9 out of the last 10 days.

It's with this in mind that I share my 3 foolish moments within the last 24 hours.  Some much more embarassing and shameful than others.

Foolish Time #1:

I wrote the following text to a sibling last night.

"Running late and found raping closer.  I'll call you when done."

Can you guess what I actually meant to text?

Foolish Time #2:

I started this new class last night and had cheerios at 8am and this was now 5pm.  So obviously, I was a bit out of it and what not from hunger. 

A black male early 30s with a bit of pudge walked in late and sat down at the table next to me.  During the break, I was eating carrots in the hallway and people kept approaching me.  You know, cuz I'm so friendly and such.  In reality, they too were hungry and wanted some of my carrots.

Long story short, a black male early 30s with a bit of pudge walked by and looked frustrated and said 'Hi' to me.  I offered him a carrot and he's like, 'Nah, I'm too stressed to eat.'  And I said, 'Yah, it doesn't help that you came in late.'  And he goes 'I was about 15 minutes early' and then gave me the look of 'But thank you stupid white man for not being able to tell me and the other black guy in the class apart.  Racist bastard.' 

Foolish Time #3:

I had to attend a network meeting today with many people that I haven't seen in months, some much longer.  This one person was there and I know that their staff team has had a lot of maternity leaves lately.  So I said, 'how's your team holding up?'  To which she responded, 'Well we are gearing up for Hull shortly.  Then hopefully the world's.'  I just smiled and nodded.  We've never said more than a few words.  I thought she was a nurse, now she's some freakin Olympian, but I didn't want to be the fool who didn't know this.

I blame being sleep deprived for all this stupid-ness happening.  That and as I get older, my brain just isn't working the same.

Please share your more foolish recent moments to make me feel better.


jno said...

I make an ass out of myself's not so bad ;)

I made an awkward holocost joke today. Funny in my head...not so much in real life.

RGH said...

I LOVE the labels on this post.

I have low-grade moments liek this every day: tripping over curbs, knocking over drinks, etc etc etc.

the G is for clumsy!