Friday, November 27, 2009

Work It Out with Music

Continuing w/ the music theme of the week, let's talk work outs.  I, for one, could not work out unless I have music helping me in the background.  Music takes me away from the pain, boredom, and frustration of working out.  In between reps, I get to groove a little and this hypes up the routine.  Or if I'm going for a run on the treadmill, I lip sync along to the track to the amusement of those around.

I rejigged my workout playlist on my itunes tonight and here's the run down.  Links to some of the songs that you may not be as familiar with.

Don't Stop Believin' - Glee Cast
Morning After Dark - Timbaland
Tik Tok - Ke$ha
Rock Wit U - Janet Jackson
Funhouse - P!nk
3 - Britney Spears
Sweet Dreams - Beyonce

What songs are on your work out set list?

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