Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm deaf - STUPID!!!

It's Friday and it's time to confess...I've asked some of my closest allies and apparently, I have to confess that I'm deaf!

Well let's first confess that it's easier to say 'deaf' than hard of hearing or hearing impaired. Mostly cuz I can't recall if it's more offensive to say hard of hearing or hearing impaired. The deaf community decides what's acceptable and what's not.

So how am I partially deaf?? It's simple...I can't hear as well as you without the use of AIDS. If you've seen South Park's episode with Jarrod from the Sub'll know that he lost weight with the use of AIDS. As in helper people that assisted him, not the disease. I hear through the miracle of hearing aids devices and not the disease either. :P

Now what does this mean??? Does it mean that you need to yell at me when you talk??? No, STUPID!!! It means that I wear hearing aids and then hear as well as you, if not better. It's like when somebody wears glasses. They take them off and they see slightly worse or really bad. I can still hear without my aids, just not as well. If I've known you for awhile, then it's all good. I can read your lips and know most of your tones.

So that's that for this week, my confession is a mild disability!!!

What's yours?

1 comment:

RGH said...

dyslexia! which won't come as a total surprise to anyone on my MSN