Thursday, January 1, 2009

I miss work...

I've only had 3 paid vacation weeks in my entire quarter century life. I'm bored terribly.

I don't know about you, but I really like to be busy and now I'm nothing but bored.

Soooo bored that I've watched about 10 episodes of Arrested Development, cleaned my apartment (twice), and even gone through and organized through my 'this is just random crap' bins.

Not only am I bored, but I feel that my self confidence is connected with feeling useful. I don't feel useful sitting around, chilling with friends, etc.

I feel useful, when I spend 8 hours a day at work, working with customers, co-workers, etc to create various opportunities for the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor.

There's only so many dinner parties I can attend/create, friends I can visit, clubs I can dance at, before I just start to go nuts.

Is anybody else odd like me and actually miss work, when they aren't there for some time?

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