Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh Dreamers, let's get a reality check!

I've been dreaming on here for about six weeks now and thought it'd be fun to look back and reflect and see if any of the earlier dreams had come true or if they'd simply vanished.

In week #1 - I introduced you to my unrealistic bf, Patrick. He lived in Montreal, was moving to Vancouver and was coming to Toronto in July. Well sad to report that we haven't chatted in almost a month, besides a 'Merry X-mas' text that was exchanged. We got into a groove of skype-ing it up around 11:30 for awhile there, but now that I sleep b4 11, that's been killed. Alas, I'm back to being both realistic and unrealistic single for '09.

In week #2 - I wrote about my dream apartment/condo that included ensuite laundry, fitness centre, indoor pool, incl. utilities and all for the price of $1000/month. Well this one semi came true. I found a great 3 bedroom condo w/ fitness centre, indoor pool, laundramat on premises, and neighbours that I rarely hear/see, but for $1200/month. This one was pretty close to the dream. :)

In week #3 - I had big dreams about a smooth move into my new place. Dad would be only positive, internet would be up and running, the place would be complete within a week. The actual move in went quite smoothly. Took less than 2 hours thanks to the assistance of great friends and family. Plus, friends and family helped with ripping up ugly ass carpet, cleaning tons, and keeping me sane. The internet took a few weeks, but that was worth it. The place is pretty much done, I just need some art work for the walls.

I feel that one might as well dream big and hope for it to come true. I'm a big fan of putting one's thoughts out into the universe and watching to see what you get. While I haven't received all of my wishes, the one's that I most wanted did happen.

I encourage you each to keep on dreaming and spreading what you want. Post on here, share with friends, write a letter to the universe. Be specific, very specific. The universe takes everything from literally.

Have a wonderful week, fellow dreamers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never really had a real "dream", one that I am dead-set on achieving. Most of mine are...well, they exist in the fantasy world of television and movies, fabricated moments of happiness and joy and montage. Because we all know, reaching our dreams are so much more fun when they happen under two hours, set to fun up-beat music.