Sunday, January 4, 2009

People never change...

People never change and it's kind of a good thing!

I spent the day with my college friends and pretty much figured this out. We can change our looks, gain some weight, have children; however, your personality is always your personality.

My one friend will always be lazy and always reliant on the rest of us. Another simply attracts drama, moreso than any homo in the village can. Only she can be evicted, receive divorce papers, and have a mother diagnosed with cancer in the same day. My one friend will always just be there, adding a little, but not much. Finally, there's the ditz that makes us laugh with her beyond stupidity.

I'm not being mean, these are all things that I've said to them in one way or another. :)

As for me, I'll always be the one to make light of a situation and the one that others come to for advice.

Spending the afternoon with the friends made me appreciate what I've got too. The drive for success and the need to work hard to accomplish my goals. It seems like all of them have received their college diploma 2 years ago and done nothing with it. Nor have they done much to pursue their new dreams. Which is kinda sad.

Again, it comes down to one's personality. Throughout college, I was going to class and then working 24 hours a week with a 2 hour commute. I was always busy and moving onto the next goal. They went to school and thought that they'd graduate and find something.

Today, I was asking them what their future goals were and none of them really knew what they wanted to do. They range from age 22-33 and it just seems odd to not want future goals.

But that leads me back to my original thought...if they never were one's to plan for the future, why would they start now?

What'd you all think?? Can people change? Or at their core will they always be the same?

1 comment:

RGH said...

I like how some people are makes it easier to compartmentalize your life