Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Resolutions??? Why oh Why?

Okay, please clue me in. I make personal challenges all the time, goals and etc. I get it, seriously I do. I believe in both short term and long term planning and often scold myself for not being successful at them.

But I don't fucking get the need to make a New Year's resolutions. Like what's the point? Why? First of all, it's just a new year...what does that mean to you? Do you really think that you're going to wake up and everything just changes? Do you know how many New Year's resolutions don't come true?? Probably a good percentage!!!

Now if I were to make some new year's resolutions...here's what I'd do:

Let's Get Laid!!! (not just me, but everybody...cuz too many haters out there need to get laid)
Let's Do Yoga (daily, even if just for 5 minutes...and you can join me too...for a fee in my new yoga room)
Let's Eat (this may not seem like much, but for someone like me, eating 3 meals a day is a big deal)

There...them my goals, sex-yoga-eat, seems simple enough!!!

What are your goals???

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