Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Stop lying to my nephew, X-mas is for new shit and that is all!!!

Who do you think you are??? Filling young minds with your asinine Judeo-Christian bullshit! My sis had the gull to inform my 19 month old nephew all about the meaning of X-mas today. She went on and on about the baby Jesus, the inn, the wise dudes following stars, and not once did she mention all the free shit that he'll be getting too.

You may be thinking, he's just a baby...he doesn't understand. But he does!! I say, "Goodbye", he waves goodbye. I say, "Kick the ball", he kicks the ball. You get it...

And besides, I think if Jesus was around, he'd be asking that people worship him on another day. Cuz, besides attending midnight mass, he's not getting much recognition on Christmas.

Let's face it, Christmas is all about yelling at your family and getting free shit and lots of it. In my house, you get a stocking from Santa and then a pile of unwrapped presents that are from him too. This is on top of the gifts from family and relatives.

Jesus doesn't give me fuck all. So I learned at a very young age that worshiping Santa is much more fulfilling than Jesus. Santa means being good for a year and getting that new gameboy. Jesus means being good for a lifetime and following a thousand rules and then possibly getting into heaven. I prefer my odds with Santa!

Now here's a possible suggestion, if Jesus and Santa are up for an over haul. Santa Jesus!!! or Jesus Santa!!! Either way, it's the perfect mix of make belief. Make belief Messiah meets Make belief Fat Jolly Man with Toys.

What'd you think? Should we have a merger or just be done w/ the J-man? What does X-mas mean to you?


RGH said...

I'm just in it for the stockings.

maggie82 said...

What I don't understand is how Christmas got so unbelievably intermingled with winter. First off, Jesus was born in Bethlehem and I just checked the weather there now and it is 24 degrees celcius. Don't see evergreen trees and snow happening over there. I realize that this day is suppose to be a celebration of Jesus' birth but I remember learning that he if he did exist, his supposed birthday is actually sometime in early Spring. You would think a holiday like his birthday would be celebrated at that time, as Spring brings rebirth and stuff. So one has to wonder who chose December 25 and why? Maybe they wanted free gifts to by bringing good old St. Nick into the mix.

letsbevain said...

So you want both rebirth (Easter) / his birth done at the same time??